Some have asked if there is anything that we need as we add a second Mentzel kid to the family. Well, I haven't thought of too many specific things, but there are a few things on my list. If the addition is of the girl type, we'll of course need to introduce some pink things to the laundry load. But we'll just have to see about that. We are interested in a double stroller, but not sure what kind. And I'm sure there are other things that will present themselves once the baby comes out to meet us and we get better acquainted.
The main thing I know I would really like to have is diapers. Not disposable, (although we'll be going through lots of those too), but cloth. I know some of you have been probably been a little puzzled since Jake posted the picture of my diapers on the basketball goal clothesline in Mississippi. You're probably also thinking, "People still do that?" Yes. And a lot more than you'd think.
Diapers have come a long way since the pins and folding method, although some still use those. But you'll still probably think I'm a little crazy when I tell you that one of the biggest reasons for doing it is because I actually think it's kind of fun. No, it's not because I'm really interested in being green, that's just a side benefit. But really, between not having a very large stash and Peter being in the nursery or the care of others 3-4 times a week, we use a cloth diaper about half the time.
The biggest limiting factor, though, is our limited supply. I have made some of my own diapers (yes, lots of people do that, too) and repaired others that I have bought used (yes, used), but I haven't made enough adjustments on my own to get a product I really like. And time for that will become even more limited here shortly.
So, if you've been wondering about a gift or a way you can help us with our family expansion, or if you've suddenly become interested upon reading this post, I will tell you what you can do. I have made a little wish list at The Little Seedling where I have selected the exact kind and size of diapers that I would like for our soon-to-be two kids in diapers. I included some for Peter because, you know, he's getting bigger. To find the registry just enter my name. The registry is called "New Babe"—if for some reason you blank on my name. If you browse around the site there are also some pretty cool wooden toys and other things, too. Christmas is coming after all... not that we really need more toys!
We'll let you know once the waiting is over!
1 comment:
While I'm waiting I'm working on art/craft projects for my show. Thanks for an extra day of work!
Seriously now... I think maybe Jake should write a story about your time in Mississippi... I know he can spin a tale out for quite awhile! AHEM!
Still praying for you all.
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