Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Catch Up

I apologize for the delay, but with Christmas preparations and having my computer fall to its death, posting pictures fell by the wayside. So, with the next posts I'll try to bring us up to date.

When I start taking pictures sometimes it turns into a full blown photo shoot. This was one of those times.
I don't think you'll mind, they're pretty cute.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Gifts, Part 3

For those of you that didn't notice, I recently created two Amazon wish-lists for myself—in case you're looking for stocking stuffers. You can find those on the sidebar. Pay no attention to the order the books are in... unless I get around to prioritizing them.

But just so you know, the authors on those lists I'm most interested in right now: Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn, Schaeffer, Rand, Van Til, Schlossberg, Blamires.

I'd also be happy to take recommendations. Just drop a note in the comments.

Papa's kiddos

Fatface and Fathead, as they are affectionately called.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Own Book Club: November

I finished a lot of books this month. Here's what I read, and here are some of my thoughts:

King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table - Thomas Mallory, ed. Sidney Lanier (for fun)

An antiquated abridgement of La Morte D'Arthur. Good fun getting into the medieval mind. I would have rather have read the real thing, though.

The Butler Did It - P.G. Wodehouse (for fun)

A delivery and receiving room book. A rollickin' good time. I've decided I like Wodehouse, and wouldn't mind reading more.

Preaching & Preachers - Martyn Lloyd-Jones (for class)

Excellent. Another book for every preacher.

Amusing Ourselves to Death - Neil Postman (for fun)

Wow whatabook. This is one of those books that shows you the man behind the curtain. Should be required reading for everyone. Seriously. Go buy it.

Winterflight - Joseph Bayly (for fun)

A prophetic novel written by my pastor's father in the late 70s about what he foresaw as the inevitable consequences of Roe v. Wade—you know, universal health care, government mandated abortion, infanticide, death panels, that sort of thing. It's not great fiction (as far as the writing goes), but it sure is compelling.

Words to Winners of Souls - Horatius Bonar (for class)

An excellent and concise summary of the heart of pastoral ministry.