Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas Gifts, Part 2

A few more considerations for those of you interested in buying gifts for the kids:

1. We need books. Bad. As in, Mama and Papa cringe every time Peter brings us a book to read because we have them all memorized. For our sake, check out the Amazon link on the left-hand column. Amanda's picked out some books that we think would be nice. Keep in mind that the books aren't at all in order of preference on the list.

2. Kid's Music. Peter's just getting to an age where this can get really fun. Amanda has added some children's cds to the same Amazon Wish-List mentioned above. Don't overlook those.

3. Cloth Diapers. A few weeks ago, Amanda wrote about her obsession with these things. If you're interested in nursing strange obsessions and helping weird would-be-hippies save some serious cash at the same time, she's created a registry at The Little Seedling. Just go to, and enter "Amanda Mentzel" into the registry.

4. $$$. For those of you who remember, I opened an account for Peter last year (Read about that here). For those of you who care, the selected fund has given us a 12.5% return so far. Not bad in this climate, eh? If you're interested in contributing, send me an email or give me a call. I'll start a similar account for Lucy, too.

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