This time last year,
Jake was finishing up his classes and getting ready to teach at a summer camp in West Virginia.
I was busy packing our things, cleaning the apartment and trying to schedule an ultrasound before we had to be in Mississippi. (And if you remember, Miss Lucy chose not to reveal her identity in that ultrasound. We thought for sure she was a boy.)
So, are we going to back to Mississippi? No. Are we going somewhere else? Nope. We'll be having ourselves and Indiana summer this year, with a short hiatus to Oklahoma.
But before I explain that, I'll tell you a little bit about what exactly has been going on in our lives lately...
Jake- preached his first wedding, in which he also was a groomsmen (the picture was from the wedding, I was in the party also)
...taught at the last Fold of the year (The Fold is the college ministry's large group meeting on campus, see the website here.)
...taught at the last Fold of the year (The Fold is the college ministry's large group meeting on campus, see the website here.)
...entertained the college students at the end of the year party by singing a classic graduation song, "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" by Green Day, to the seniors
...went to his last day of classes, ever (hopefully)
...went back to working full-time with the Indiana Painting Co.
Amanda- has been working on all kinds of sewing projects, including skirts made from pants and dresses, headbands, and curtains, and is always looking for things to modify, update, or altogether re-create.
...taught the last upperclassmen women's discipleship group of the year while sitting on a tick infested couch, it was definitely memorable.
...dug out plots in the backyard for the garden. Some plants, which she started from seed inside, made it in the ground in between rainy days.
...has just embarked on a new adventure: Potty Training.
Peter- turned 2! (pictures, and maybe a video, coming soon)
...is enjoying the warmer weather and the freedom to roam the backyard
...has made friends with the little Muslim girl next door, all communication issues aside
...thinks Spiderman lives across the street
...is about to ditch diapers forever
Lucy- will be six months old tomorrow. Already?!
...likes Peter's cars and trucks more than her own toys
...cut her first two teeth
...loves her papa's kisses
...had her first taste of oatmeal
...loves watching Peter's every move, until he comes over and holds her hand, really tightly
Now, what are we doing next...
Well, so long as Jake finishes up a couple final papers we'll be celebrating his graduation from the ClearNote Pastors College on Sunday evening. We'd love to have you join us. The graduation will be held this Sunday, the 16th at 5:30p.m. at our church, Church of the Good Shepherd, here in Bloomington. There will be a dinner following the service. Consider this your formal invitation.
The Oklahoma hiatus...in a few weeks we, the whole fam, will be going to Norman, Oklahoma, on a mission trip with the college ministry. We'll be serving University Fellowship Church by helping paint their church building and working with them in a Vacation Bible School. University Fellowship is a young church plant where Mat McIntosh, a former youth pastor of Jake's and mine, is the pastor.
As for the fall, you might be wondering what is in store for us now that Jake is done with his training. We'll be staying in Bloomington, for now. Jake will be coming on staff with our church as the college minister. He was already the college minister, but now it'll be his official job, goodbye work sites. He's looking forward to doing it full time and not having to divide his time between Pastors college work, painting, and college ministry. We don't plan to do this forever, but this is where God has us for the next year or two.
A month or so ago Jake mentioned that I had written a blogpost for ClearNote Fellowship. It's my turn to recommend Jake's blog post series to you. The series is a very clear and practical discussion of the Christian's relationship to sin. It's now on part three, but it won't take you long to catch up. And it's worth it.
That's about it for now, I'll try to get more pictures up soon.
...went back to working full-time with the Indiana Painting Co.
Amanda- has been working on all kinds of sewing projects, including skirts made from pants and dresses, headbands, and curtains, and is always looking for things to modify, update, or altogether re-create.
...taught the last upperclassmen women's discipleship group of the year while sitting on a tick infested couch, it was definitely memorable.
...dug out plots in the backyard for the garden. Some plants, which she started from seed inside, made it in the ground in between rainy days.
...has just embarked on a new adventure: Potty Training.
Peter- turned 2! (pictures, and maybe a video, coming soon)
...is enjoying the warmer weather and the freedom to roam the backyard
...has made friends with the little Muslim girl next door, all communication issues aside
...thinks Spiderman lives across the street
...is about to ditch diapers forever
Lucy- will be six months old tomorrow. Already?!
...likes Peter's cars and trucks more than her own toys
...cut her first two teeth
...loves her papa's kisses
...had her first taste of oatmeal
...loves watching Peter's every move, until he comes over and holds her hand, really tightly
Now, what are we doing next...
Well, so long as Jake finishes up a couple final papers we'll be celebrating his graduation from the ClearNote Pastors College on Sunday evening. We'd love to have you join us. The graduation will be held this Sunday, the 16th at 5:30p.m. at our church, Church of the Good Shepherd, here in Bloomington. There will be a dinner following the service. Consider this your formal invitation.
The Oklahoma hiatus...in a few weeks we, the whole fam, will be going to Norman, Oklahoma, on a mission trip with the college ministry. We'll be serving University Fellowship Church by helping paint their church building and working with them in a Vacation Bible School. University Fellowship is a young church plant where Mat McIntosh, a former youth pastor of Jake's and mine, is the pastor.
As for the fall, you might be wondering what is in store for us now that Jake is done with his training. We'll be staying in Bloomington, for now. Jake will be coming on staff with our church as the college minister. He was already the college minister, but now it'll be his official job, goodbye work sites. He's looking forward to doing it full time and not having to divide his time between Pastors college work, painting, and college ministry. We don't plan to do this forever, but this is where God has us for the next year or two.
A month or so ago Jake mentioned that I had written a blogpost for ClearNote Fellowship. It's my turn to recommend Jake's blog post series to you. The series is a very clear and practical discussion of the Christian's relationship to sin. It's now on part three, but it won't take you long to catch up. And it's worth it.
That's about it for now, I'll try to get more pictures up soon.
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