Saturday, June 13, 2009

First Pres, Charleston

For those of you that haven't been drawn into the loop yet, Amanda and I are down in Charleston, Mississippi, proud home of Morgan Freeman. I'm serving as a pastoral intern for the church above (90 year-old meeting house in the foreground, brand new Family Life Center in the background).

First Pres. is home to a sweet people that we're looking forward to serving for the months of June and July. I'll be particularly focused on working with the youth, but I'll also preach on a couple of Sundays and in a couple of nursing homes on weekdays.

For those of you who are curious, Grace and Andy (the pastor and his wife... but not in that order) are doing well. We've absolutely loved getting to know them and spending time with them. The four of us and our 3 kids (well, 4 if you count the child in Amanda's swelling belly) took a day trip to Memphis yesterday and hung out on Mud Island. Then we got caught in a nasty storm on the way back. It was good fun.

Speaking of good fun, kudzu to you if you can tell me what's wrong with this picture (apart from how off-balanced the framing is):


Unknown said...

where's number 8?

Kara said...

Funny! The 7th Day Adventists building that my brother Andrew's church is renting has a stained glass window with the 10 commandments on it just like that, only the "IV" is way bigger than all the others!